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strives to provide you with a resource for all needlearts. Whether you're
just starting out or an old-hand, we hope you'll find something new and
interesting to learn on our site!
Sunbonnet Sue Paper-Pieced Pattern
Here's a paper-pieced version of the classic Sunbonnet Sue pieced block. The pattern includes both left-facing and right-facing Sunbonnet Sues.
Snowflake Ornament
This simple little pattern makes a wonderful 3-dimensional snowflake ornament. The only materials necessary are a sheet of 7-count plastic canvas and a skein of variegated yarn.
How to do
Paper-Piecing: A new quilting technique by
Shelly Hazard Paper piecing has become a very popular technique in
quilting. By using a paper pattern and sewing directly through the
paper, you can make incredibly detailed quilting projects with ease.
This article steps you through the basic technique of paper piecing
with your sewing machine by giving you a pattern with which you can
work along with the directions. |
The Scrap Bag: |
see the whole scrapbag...
This is our tips and tricks section and a place for questions and answers from our readers. If you have a question or a tip you'd like to share, contact us.
What is the difference between buying a fat quarter and buying a quarter of a yard?
The actual amount of fabric is the same in both, the difference is in how the fabric is cut. Most quilting fabrics are about 44" wide. So when buying a quarter of a yard, you get a 9" by 44" strip of fabric. With a fat quarter, a half yard of the fabric is cut and then cut in half. So a fat quarter is about 18" wide by 22" long.
How do I go about making a memory quilt made from photos?
There are special supplies available for transferring photo images onto fabric - I believe you copy the photo onto special paper using a copier, then iron the image onto a piece of muslin from the paper. For further information, try your local quilt shop or take a look at books on the subject.
Needlework Tip:
When you need to jump stitches to continue working with the same color, weave the thread through the back of the finished
stitches. Long jumps of thread, especially dark ones, will show through to the front of the work. And on items where the back of the finished work is not protected, long threads can get caught on things and tear, causing surrounding stitches to loosen and fray.